09 July 2013


what am i doing? applying lipstick. drinking a coffee with ice because the spanish heat could kill. i'm listening to the kind of music that's been on my computer forever, but is always ignored. maybe to discover some hidden gem

give me one day to breathe in an extravagant cityscape
investigate, create
conundrums in space and discussing how to manage what's on my plate, heLP?

my hair is drying
the lifeguard is crying
that wasnt even intentional rhyming
but i think it might be true. to my left out the window and there he is. wiping his arm from left to right across his face, but maybe it's his brow. it's hard to tell in spain if it's sweat or tears

let's just have a drink and we can discuss the sweat and tears of our nations
and now my words are beginning to sink under my skin, so you eat my afflictions

you know what i think of you, nine eight seven two two seven five one three three three twelve?
i think you are going to die sad and die alone some day and not understand why. but what did you expect. thanks for listening now, you were nice for a very long while, but you left me underneath in the sea and now im disposing of your ghost here, in the abyss, along with the other creatures of the night