03 June 2012

Completely free of you for the first time

Upon seeing an old photo of a friend and myself earlier this evening, I turned to Raymond and stated how differently I look now. This was met with a response saying that I look exactly the same. Rather.


It is on the inside where I have changed. Any photos from the “before” time seem so distant. That is the only way to describe it.

I went through so much since my “before” self. More than I care to admit to myself. I’ve become quite good at forgetting. The details of things are no longer clear. This whole year I lived for the time when things would get better, and they did not until I started living for myself and finding happiness in everyday.

Each new day is the best day of my life. What other way to live? My friends have taught me these things. To hold your hand out the window when driving, just to let the wind fly through it; to look up to the sky and smile at the sunshine, feel it on your face and your arms and shoulders and to be happy because nature is an amazing thing and the trees and beauty of our world are astounding; to stay up late, smoke a cigarette sometimes just for fun, to dance even if I’m terrible. To sit, and think, read, and have that be enough. I live everyday for myself and my own happiness.

I had wanted to take a shovel and hollow out my insides, just to empty them of everything you taught me. To cleanse myself of you. Now the space is full of happiness and what could only be called experience. I loved and lost and now I can do anything. Nothing to hold me back and I am completely, completely free of you for the first time.

I wonder, now. What will it be like to look at a photo of me from today in a year’s time. Will I have been happier now than I am then? Surely it’s not possible. To live a life of my own in Sweden--to experience so much more and grow completely into myself in my new head and heart. To fill myself up with life. To explore my world. I will think of how young and unknowing I was now. What a process life is. A long, amazing, all-learning, all-loving process.

My only fear is to return to the “before” time. I am certain I will not relapse. I am much different now. There is so much more that I need to experience. I am scared of how life is passing so fast. Only half a year ago, I could barely function properly or make it through the day. I didn’t eat or sleep for months. I want to take in every single moment in life for all it is worth. My time in Sweden will go by so fast that I am terrified I will miss something important and not have time to appreciate everything. I miss it already, and do not even leave for two and a half more months.