27 April 2012


Year has come to a close. It's the last weekend before finals. I'm trying to enjoy everything. It's strange to think about how, at this point, life is so fleeting. I will move out of my dorm a week from today, and there are people I will never see again. Or maybe I'll see some, but we'll never all be together again, living in the same place at the same point in our lives. Everything seems so temporary in retrospect. But I suppose that's what makes it special. That for this moment, we're all great friends. I'm sure we'll lose touch eventually, but the people I've met and the things I've experienced will impact me forever. So tonight, we'll enjoy our last meal together as a big stupid college family. College is such a weird time in a person's life and I've only just now realized it. For four years, you're surrounded by people in the exact same uncomfortable stage in-between letting go of your childhood and morphing into some working class adult. It takes a lot to push the past aside and grow into a new person, and all of my friends here have helped me and without them, I don't know where I would be. I didn't know I could be so happy. Maybe we won't all be living here anymore, but I'll never forget this year and how much it changed me.

I'll think of more to say later.

Everything was worth it and I'm glad I stayed.

I'll be ready for some stability soon. But right now, I'm happy.