08 April 2012


Thursday, the usual. Ray, Kenz, Jesse, and Kevin are all really super. Since the older folks were at the bars celebrating Matt's 21st, all the underagers hung out for a bit beforehand which was quite nice.

I did not have intentions to go home this weekend, but everyone else ended up leaving, so home I went. Friday I spent the night at Tatyana's, watched some stand-up, as per usual, and took some sleeping pills and passed out at 10:30 and didn't wake up until the afternoon. Best sleep all year after a rough week. She tends to make everything better.

Saturday I stayed at Sarah and Blake's and we had a campfire and roasted marshmallows and made s'mores which were very fabulous. Then played uno, some videogames, and Blake and I watched Doctor Who for several hours. My family is so terrific.

Sunday, today, was Easter and we all gathered at grandma's for lasagna and desert and stuff. I feel lost sometimes without you, especially at things like that, but I'm getting used to it. Or, have gotten used to it, rather. Anyway it was nice, and now I'm back at school and very ready for bed. Now to watch some of The O.C. and pass out. Three more weeks of school, then finals. Almost finished. Will be so thankful to get out of this routine.

So much to do this week. Tomorrow I'm going to class an hour early for extra practice (is this what I have to do to keep my 4.0?) then I have a study abroad association meeting and a choir performance to attend for my music appreciation class. Tuesday is my first soccer game...ever. Then the rest of the week is quite busy as well, an exam, meetings, hair and eye doctor appointments. Need sleep now.