hi! if you met me and i met you and we were meeting in some mildly cute and romantic public setting (well, i imagine some quaint bar with blue lights, delicate-to fancy-to tacky decorations, and wooden furniture)
okay, so i ask you, because i'm wondering what you like. "what would you say are your interests?"
"well. i spend a lot of my time studying. i don't think it's an interest per say, but i do like learning. learning makes me feel older, yet i stay the same age, i suppose. i think about the things i've learned since one year ago, and it's at least, something i feel, that is ten years worth of knowledge and experience! i love to learn. i love to talk with people because it is another way to learn. anyone, everyone, and the most important ones are people who are different from myself."
"i like to wake up early, stretch. (must stretch and scream. it's the only way.) make my bed, light candles, make coffee, have a shower, mix peanut butter in my oatmeal. check the weather, dress accordingly. check my schedule, pack accordingly."
"i walk everywhere. i don't like to drive because it makes me anxious. i think it's because other people make me anxious when they're driving. you never know when they're gonna fuck up. i walk to campus. drink my coffee. take note of the clouds, the heat, bird noises, people noises, music noises."
"reading. i like to read. writing, but not really writing just thinking and jotting down those thinks. never following story or plot lines, they become overwhelming and are such a commitment once they're started. i like to photograph things. lately it has been the reflection of light onto surfaces....my bed and blankets, my leg, a wooden floor, a navy wall, through the curtains. and the way the surface creates an image of the light depending on what it passes through to reach it."