throughout the day placing you delicately aside. as if this matters now. as if this mattered. you might be empty and i think you might be arduous. there's nothing of you here anymore and i dont care about the odd numbers.
and one would think, after meticulously parading through my consciousness all day, you could, for my sake and yours, take the nights off. breathe, expand, dream, expand
but here you persist. right here. right in my stupid dreams. asleep with the paralysis of stupid sleep thoughts. i prefer to think it is astral projection, but i can only let my imagination take us so far. and it's not because i have nothing to say, i have lots of things. and it's not because i don't have anything to feel, because i have plenty of that too.
it's just that it's so sure that you are here. i awake, and at once, no longer. and from there, i don't know what my mornings mean at all anymore.
i have so many concerns. how do you even get in there. we're not in communication, we're beyond the limitations of our senses; my nerve endings are disconnected, the vibrations in our eardrums are enigmatic. and actually, i can't even be sure that you exist anymore. so i am wondering, what determines my sleep thinks? i'm wondering what aspects of you are most prevalent and most obvious to my dreaming state. i wonder if i remember things when i'm asleep that i have no conscious recollection of.
most of all, i could sleep better if you just weren't around. and speaking of, everything i dream is too vivid that i am sleeping terribly and i think it is because when i'm inside them, i'm so happy. isn't that scary? just give me some rest or something.