24 July 2012


no reason to sarcastically elude odd numbers which consequently happen to be fine with me

i can count my ears by myself although i'm sure you know a place where i could get a new one to fix whatever might be undesirable

(but you are less than desirable and the only thing i like about you is the way you made me feel everything, all at once, a million times over, and more than anyone could)

i can monitor my weight by myself as if there's anything that you remember otherwise

hipbones like a mountain's edge and a princess on a unicycle

i am happy now even though i don't have anyone.  perhaps that is what troubles people.  they think they need to have each other to survive.  when possession doesn't play a part in love, it must be the best, most special kind.

english looks pretty and i like to read it and i like to spell it.