I returned from a trip to Europe just nearly a week ago. Pictured here, the London portion. It was the greatest time of my life. I absolutely loved London. The diversity is something I could never find here in the United States and something that I find an incredibly important attribute in a person's life. I could easily see myself living there one day. I saw quite a lot, but there is so much more to experience, and I must go back. I mostly ventured on my own at night, where the rest of the tour group I was with returned to the hotel to sleep. Therefore, I only got a few hours of sleep each night resulting in a tired, sickly Katie but it was so worth it. To navigate in such a massive city on my own was scary and fun and exciting and everything else. The people were so friendly and anyone I asked was more than eager to help. I finally met my really good friend Joakim, after knowing him for almost two years, which was so exciting. We got very lost one night and took directions from a random drunken man which was probably a bad idea, but ended up taking an expensive taxi ride home. It's a fun story now anyway. With our group, I visited Covent Garden, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, The Royal Courts of Justice, Camden Market, Trafalgar Square, The Houses of Parliament, The Tower of London, etc. etc. It was an incredible experience anyway. Especially to go with my best friend, and to be able to legally buy alcohol!